Innovid Launches All-in-One QR Code Suite for CTV Advertising

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Long live QR codes. QR codes never say die. QR codes forever. Anyway, you get it.

Innovid, which offers up dynamic creative tools and an ad server for CTV, has launched a QR code adtech stack for CTV. Basically, you can manage the entire lifecycle of a QR code campaign through Innovid’s new suite.

Why This Matters:

CTV ads are valuable because they inject engagement into the ad experience, which (in theory) leads to more conversions or, at the very least, more trackable data. A recent Brightline study found interactive ads outperformed standard video ads by seven percentage points. Ultimately, interactive ads turn a passive viewer (less value) into an active one (more value). 

CTV ads with interactive QR codes are especially effective because they directly transition you from your TV to your phone, which has become the primary shopping platform for most of us, especially younger people. Even if there’s no conversion, mobile interactions give advertisers more measurable data compared to CTV viewing alone.

For all of these reasons, giving advertisers more capabilities to effectively and easily manage QR code campaigns is a good thing.

Experts React:

In the press release announcing the launch, Innovid’s Dan Mouradian, SVP, Global Client Solutions, said, “To take advantage of the opportunities to drive engagement with viewers, advertisers cannot be hampered by the time and resources it takes to work with numerous point solutions across QR code management and scan data. Our all-in-one QR code solution has solved that.”

Our Take:

What Innovid is solving for is not QR codes in CTV ads. This has been around for sometime. What their new suite offers is one place to do everything related to QR code CTV campaigns: dynamic creative, delivery, measurement, auto-optimization. It brings together all of Innovid’s capabilities on DCO and measurement (via their ad server) for the most popular and effective type of interactive CTV ads.

This week, we’ve observed a recurring theme in CTV announcements from companies like LG, Perion, and now Innovid: the CTV ad experience is unique. Build for that! Companies offering technology that helps create more native experiences tailored to CTV’s specific environment are positioning themselves to succeed in a competitive market where vendors blur together.

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