Yahoo’s Cookieless ID Now Compatible with Snowflake

provided by yahoo dsp

Yahoo DSP and Snowflake have announced an integration to make Yahoo ConnectID, Yahoo’s cookieless alternative identifier, compatible with Snowflake Data Clean Rooms.

With the integration, according to the press release, “advertisers gain access to one of the industry’s leading alternatives to traditional identity solutions, now accessible in one of the most popular data clean rooms.”

Why This Matters:

In July, Google surprised everyone by revealing it would no longer proceed with its long-gestating phaseout of third-party cookies in Chrome. While the company would still proceed with its Privacy Sandbox initiative as a long-term replacement for cookies, challenges in reconciling feedback, it seemed, scared them away from a self-imposed deadline. 

Instead of that, Google revealed it would introduce a TBD feature in Chrome that allows users to opt out of cookie tracking. While this puts the responsibility on the end users to make that choice, it’s likely that many will opt out when given the option, similar to what the industry saw with Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) feature.

So, this still means the eventual decline of cookie-based identity as we know it. As a result, advertisers and publishers must continue to test and adopt alternative, cookieless ID solutions to future-proof their strategies. 

Yahoo ConnectID has emerged as one of the most prominent and popular. In a recent report by EMARKETER, for example, using Sincera data, Yahoo ConnectID ranked second when available in the bid stream for buyers.

Now, consider that Snowflake is one of the world’s leading data clean room providers. Data clean rooms provide a secure environment where multiple companies, or divisions within a company, can collaborate on sensitive or regulated data while maintaining privacy.

Within Snowflake’s secure environment, advertisers can now match or translate their data into Yahoo ConnectIDs to create and power more personalized campaigns, especially as cookie-based identity continues to decline.

Experts React:

“Our integration with Snowflake represents a significant step toward empowering advertisers to connect with audiences more effectively while prioritizing consumer privacy,” says Giovanni Gardelli, VP of Ads Data Products at Yahoo, in the announcement press release. 

Meanwhile, David Wells, Industry Principal of Media, Advertising, and Entertainment at Snowflake, says the integration “enhances the security as well as the efficiency of data usage” for advertisers, while supporting them “in an increasingly cookieless world.”

Our Take:

Yahoo ConnectID and Snowflake have both been making moves lately.

On Yahoo’s side, the company recently announced a partnership with Kroger to let advertisers use the retailer’s purchase data with Yahoo ConnectID for campaign activation in its DSP. Yahoo has also announced data partnerships with LiveRamp and VideoAmp over the last few months.

Meanwhile, in August, Snowflake revealed that Netflix advertisers can now leverage its data clean room technology.

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